Welcome to LankaSongBook.com!

Find the lyrics (and more) of all
the songs you love.


This site contains song lyrics and other information about popular Sinhala songs (Sri Lanaka). It is devoted to the artists who sang the songs, the lyricists who wrote them and the musicians who composed the melodies that echo in our minds forever. This site was created in deep appreciation of their creative work that help us connect to our culture and enliven our memories about Sri Lanka.

All my labour spent on creating the lyrics in this web site is dedicated to my little daughter Ginuki. She did not allow even a minute of 'her' time to be used for this project, but, once completed she has become the most faithful user of the site!

A lot of work that many of you will not see has gone to adding the tools for the musician. This includes the key, scores and chords. I would like to dedicate my effort in this to my son Nisal.


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